All course offerings of the Eclaro Academy strictly adhere to government standards and have the necessary permits, licenses and accreditation from the Department of Education (DEPED), Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Preschool(Nursery, Pre-Kinder, Kindergarten)
Elementary (Grades1 to 6)
Junior High School(Grades 7 to 10)
Deaf Program(Preschool-Grade10)
AccountancyBusiness and Management (ABM)
General Academic Strand (GAS)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
General Academic Strand (GAS)
BA COMMUNICATION (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
BS COMPUTER SCIENCE (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)
BSCRIMINOLOGY (Bachelor of Science in Criminology)